• Home Maintenance

    How Fiberglass Insulation Keeps Your Home Comfortable

    Fiberglass insulation is a popular insulating material used to improve energy efficiency. It’s typically made of glass fibers woven into a mat and then compressed and molded into various shapes. Fiberglass insulation saves on energy costs by reducing the heat transfer through walls and ceilings and reducing air infiltration. Fiberglass is also an excellent sound insulator used by Owens Corning Jacksonville Florida-based, and offers protection against mold, moisture, insects, rodents, and other harmful factors.

  • Home Maintenance

    3 Ways to Plan for a Beautiful Front Garden

    Whether you want to go outside and relax on your porch or sit underneath the shade of a tree, you likely are interested in cultivating a healthy garden. Learning more about tips to help your front garden look beautiful while also being functional can help you make the best choices possible while choosing what to plant. 1. Think Ahead While you may feel inclined to choose your favorite flowers without much thought about whether or not they’ll fit with other plants, take a minute and assess how your garden currently looks. You may notice some plants grow back every year while others die off. Knowing which ones are right for…

  • Home Maintenance

    4 Ideas to Update Your Home’s Exterior

    After you’ve lived in a house for long enough, it’s easy to get used to how things look and feel and get stuck in the comfort of just leaving things the way they are. After all, the possibilities are truly endless when it comes to home design and renovation, so it’s hard to know where to even start. If you’re looking to update your home’s exterior, here are four simple ideas to try. New Landscaping One of the most impactful things you can do to update the appearance of your home’s exterior is updating the landscaping in your front yard. While landscaping changes can be expensive, they are worth the…

  • Real Estate

    How To Prepare To Build Your New Home

    If you’ve just decided to build a new home for your family, then you may be feeling rather overwhelmed at this point. Part of you may want to jump right in and get started, but another part might want to run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. You can fight the panic by following a few steps to prepare for the process of building your new home. Set Your Budget Your very first task as you start your preparations for your new house is to set your budget. Home building is expensive, so you need to know exactly how much you can afford. Make a list of…

  • Real Estate

    6 Things To Consider When Buying An Apartment

    If you live in the city, you have realized that paying rent is expensive. Buying an apartment is the next step you can take. It comes with costs and fees that you need to get prepared for. So, before you buy an apartment, here are some important details to consider. Know The Strata Fee A strata fee is the amount each person in the block is supposed to pay for the sake of items that you use jointly, for instance, the lift, pool, or other shared resources you use. These facilities will require maintenance once in a while. Ask the amount they pay monthly. Ensure it’s a fee you can…

  • Furniture & Appliances

    Keeping Your Home and Loved Ones Safe in 3 Simple, Everyday Steps

    Have you taken steps yet to secure your house and keep your family members as safe as possible every day? Although you may not be able to prevent all major issues, you can mitigate the potential risks and prevent serious fallout by taking key preparatory measures. Keeping your home and loved ones secure and out of harm’s way can be as simple as implementing three simple measures every day. To prevent dangerous situations and minimize serious consequences, take these actions as soon as you can. 1. Make Fire Safety a Top Priority Unfortunately, experiencing a home fire is always a possibility, even if they aren’t particularly frequent where you live.…

  • Home Maintenance

    4 Important Benefits of Rain Gutters

    If your home has never had a rain gutter, is it something you should worry about? Rain gutters are a valuable addition to your home and if you don’t have them, problems could be happening without you even knowing. Here are four important benefits you’ll get when you install rain gutters. 1. Keeps the Basement Dry What does an outside rain gutter have to do with your basement? When water runs off your roof during a storm, it pools on the ground. If this water isn’t diverted away, it can seep into your basement causing dampness. With gutter installation Happy Valley, water is channeled away and your basement stays dry.…