I honestly thought because we had basically been planning the renovations from the first moment we moved in, over three and half years ago, it would be completely manageable – how wrong were we!?

Of course what we hadn’t planned for was my treatment. Don’t get me wrong, we chose to do the work during this time in the end, we thought this was a good idea, seize the day and all, haha idiots!

In the end it all worked out and, our flat looks beyond what we envisioned, it’s beautiful but, gosh was is it challenging. I lost my mind/sh!t countless times, poor G!

Anyway, enough moaning, here’s the end results. I expect a call from House and Garden any day now…

This Chesterfield sofa was in a right state before it got its new velvet do. It was ripped, rather uncomfortable and, friend to a few moths but, doesn’t it look glorious now? G sister’s dog Tilly thinks so!

Our new hotel-like bathroom. This is possibly my favourite room of them all, we designed it ourselves and absolutely love the colour.

The kitchen! You would not believe how hard I had to fight for these shelves, who knew G was such a cupboard champion, thankfully I won in the end…

We’ve got such lovely glassware and crockery I couldn’t see why we would want to hide it!?

To add a bit of colour to the grey and white, we went with an aqua glass splash back. We didn’t want tiles, we wanted to keep the look and feel of the kitchen as simple and clean as possible and, this glass does the trick nicely!

To celebrated the builders leaving and our first night in what felt like a new home completely, we cooked a meal! We missed cooking, that’s one thing renovations will do to you, it makes you friends with your local take-away restaurants!

What should have taken a month and a half, took more like 3 but, really in the end it was worth it. We love our flat even more now.

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