The initiative was set up by the Shetland Islands Council, supported by North of Scotland Water Authority, SEPA, SOCC and Total Waste Management Alliance plc.The yellow fish idea came from Canada, where it was an effective deterrent to irresponsible oil disposal. Obtained, data gathered and assessed, options prioritized and formed Thermal Imaging Inspection into a practical plan for action with results disseminated. By following a systematic approach, one of the case studies saved £16,000 in their first year; enough to employ a full time member of staff to focus on environmental matters.
A facilitator accompanies the video and outlines various workshops where the stages of the systematic approach can be discussed further. Ecotoxicology is the study of the behaviour, fate, exposure and adverse effects of chemicals and other potentially toxic substances on the structure and function of eco-systems and their biological components.
SEPA has been involved in this field for many years, eg in setting and license conditions for hazardous substances, investigating pollution incidents and identifying substances for monitoring. The newly launched Ecotoxicology National Centre is based at SEPA’s laboratory in East Kilbride. It is closely linked to information, advisory service that provides scientific basis for hazard and risk assessment of harmful substances. Many new developments are expected from this new facility from lab work and the advisory service.
Extend aquatic acute toxicity tests to include tests for chronic toxicity, genotoxicity and endocrine disruption. New aquatic tests for chemicals poorly covered at present, and more cost effective alternatives extend testing capability to ground waters and freshwater sediments. Improved understanding, awareness, and access to information on behaviors and effects of hazardous substances in or likely to enter the environment.