• Home Maintenance

    4 Signs Your Home Has Termites

    Termites are a common insect people find in their homes. As a wood consuming pest, termites can be quite destructive to both your house and its contents. It is a good idea to be able to identify when you have termites Dallas OR. Here are four signs of termites in your home. 1. Wood Damage Termites begin eating wood from the inside. Wood that is infested with termites may sound hollow when you knock on it. The appearance of blisters on the surface of wood elements or painted surfaces of your home is a visual clue that you may have termites eating away below. 2. Flying Swarms of Insects Some…

  • Home Maintenance

    3 Signs That You Have Bed Bugs

    While you might think you’d notice immediately if bed bugs were living in your mattress, it can be tricky to identify the problem. Bites are easy to confuse with mosquito or flea bites, and the bugs are not easily seen without a magnifying glass or strong light source. An infestation can be even more difficult to treat than it is to identify, and you should immediately do an internet search for bed bugs Fort Myers or wherever you reside to find an exterminator. Here are three signs that you may have an infestation on your hands. Unpleasant Odor If you’ve been noticing an unpleasant odor coming from your bedroom but…

  • Home Maintenance

    Common Home Roof Repair Problems

    You are likely to encounter an issue or two with your roof. Unfortunately, homeowners rarely think about their roofs until they develop a problem. Ideally, roof problems would be minor ones such as a missing shingle or a small leak. However, you may experience significant issues that would require a roof repair expert for repairs or replacement, depending on the severity. That is why it is wise to learn about some common roof repair problems so that you can address them immediately you realize the signs. Damaged Flashing Flashing covers parts of your roof where there is a change. For instance, it seals the area of the roof where it…

  • Home Maintenance

    Plumbing Misconceptions You Shouldn’t Believe

    You have probably called a plumber to your rescue at least thrice or more times in a year. Similarly, people have handled different plumbing problems often. The systems are delicate, and a simple trigger can cause an array of issues and stagger repair bills. You have most likely heard two or more myths about the plumbing system that you might have believed. Rumors turn into myths, and ultimately, into truths. Unfortunately, some of these misconceptions can be costly, especially when you believe them. Therefore, it is wise to dispel some plumbing misconceptions so that you can save your plumbing systems. Pipe Repairs It is a misconception that discourages people from…

  • Home Maintenance

    Leaving the daily home cleaning tasks to the profesionals

    House cleaning has become an important aspect of daily household activities. The individuals assigned to do this job encounter big challenges, particularly when there are a great number of occupants living in a small space. It gets even more difficult if you need to sanitize the space for any individual who are sick or presently recovering from a health problem. Hiring professional cleaning services One good reason why cleaning services has a huge demand today is that they provide cleaning services, which can be tailored to the different needs of each client. Professional cleaning service takes their responsibility of home and apartment cleaning Chicago. They spend effort and time to…

  • Furniture & Appliances

    Solar Power for Motorized Window Blinds

    Motorized blinds have become increasingly popular with both residential and commercial users, and the growing popularity of smart home automation suggests that they will be here to stay. However, to power these motors most users will have just two options – a mains electricity supply or a battery, and, while the battery option saves the customer from having an ugly cable trailing between the blind and the nearest plug socket, it will still require regular recharging and this prospect can put many people of the idea entirely – and this is where the solar panels come into equation. They are small and sleek enough to sit in your customer’s window…

  • Home Maintenance

    Natural Mosquitos Repellent

    As we all know monsoon weather is very beautiful and pleasant. It is breezy so we all loved it. And there is one problem with monsoon that it attracts mosquitoes also. Whether we are young or aged or of any age we all have problem from mosquitoes. So, today we are making a very natural and quick 2 min DIY spray which is very easy and the best part is it is totally natural and no chemical is used in it. You can use it on plants, your bed, which will cause good fragrance at your place. As you all know due to monsoon there is false smell at home.…

  • Home Maintenance

    Making your windows more energy efficient

    When the temperature drops we all want to stay warm and manage those heating bills. Significant heat can be lost through windows so here are some ideas to make them more energy efficient. Heat loss is measured in U value – the lower the better while walls have a u-value at of 0.3, a single glazed window can be over five. Why are windows so chilly? it’s all about air convection when it’s cold outside the flow of warm air hits the pane of glass and is cooled down and of course the reverse is true in summer. You can add instant insulation with curtains blinds or shutters especially at…

  • Interior

    Basement Walls Insulation

    Why are basements cold? Well concrete is very dense and cold year round, the earth is cold and, of course, in the winter the outside air is cold. Now heat moves from more to less. This concrete with all its thermal mass soaks up the heat from the basement and sends it outside to the ground and above grade to the cold winter air. Two other significant reasons your basement is cold are leaky single-pane windows and the edge of your floor framing system, called the rim joists which is leaky an uninsulated. A thermal image of this basement wall shows that it’s 54 degrees. It is 51 degrees so…

  • Real Estate

    Getting a Home in Lakeland FL

    If you have an opportunity to own a Lakeland Florida homes for sale, you are really lucky as this hometown is considered by a lot of people to be one of the perfect places to live in Florida. Offering a number of attractions which can easily rival bigger cities while also maintaining an enjoyable town-like atmosphere, Lakeland shows the best place for its modestly sized population. With a comfortable feel, warm neighbors, and undoubtedly something to offer people in various age groups, Lakeland is actually one of Florida’s best cities that I must move into. A great variety of specialty outlets, such as boutiques, art galleries, General Stores and antique…