• Home Maintenance

    How to Secure Your Home for Extreme Weather

    If you live in an area that is susceptible to natural disasters, it may be important to invest in protecting your home against weather events that could cause catastrophic damage. Here are some tips for making sure your home suffers minimal destruction. Upgrade Your Roofing Storm-proofing your roof can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. A good storm-proof roof can be made out of any material, but metal tends to be the most reliable. For shingle and tile roofs, it is a good idea to secure each piece individually into place to prevent them from flying off from high winds. Regularly check your roofing to make sure…

  • Home Maintenance

    Three Hallmarks of a Good Home Contractor

    Some home improvement projects can be done by the owner, but many projects require specialized equipment and expertise or are just too large in scale for a layperson to complete. Contractors are a must when it comes to such tasks as excavation, room additions and electrical work—but what are some musts when it comes to contractors? Safety Naturally, safety must be priority number one. Contractors must clearly mark work zones and keep equipment properly stored when not in use, especially if children are likely to be around construction areas such as when the family is living in the home during renovation. In a building where asbestos, lead or mold may…

  • Home Maintenance

    Opening Your Own Restaurant

    You believe you are ready to open your own restaurant and want to get started. Although it could be a risk, if you have the right market you could be successful. Here are some steps to opening your own place. Decide What Is Necessary You will want to analyze what you will require to start your restaurant. Determine the adequate amount of commercial refrigeration minneapolis mn and how much seating is needed for you to be successful. You should get quotes on insurance to protect your investment. If you are going to offer delivery, you will want to add auto insurance to that estimate. Figure out how you want to…

  • Home Maintenance

    What to Do When You Acquire a Rundown Home

    Did you just inherit an old, rundown home from your long-lost great uncle? Or did you find an amazing deal on an older home that you simply couldn’t ignore? While there are plenty of merits to having a home like this, it’s entirely possible it’s just a fixer-upper right now. Don’t get overwhelmed, though. You can easily wade through the process of updating the home and making it livable and hopefully even a point of pride if you go about it with a systematic approach. Among the long list of steps to take, consider the following. Check for Pests If the home has been sitting uninhabited for a while, or…

  • Home Maintenance

    3 Ways to Keep Your Lakefront Property Looking Beautiful

    Lakefront properties come with a lot of advantages. From swimming and boating to stunning views, there is a lot to love about living on a lake. But there is also a lot of responsibility that comes with having a lakeside home. Here are three ways you can make sure you are keeping your lakefront property in top shape. 1. Maintain Your Yard and Shoreline The easiest way to keep your lakefront property in gorgeous shape is by taking good care of your yard and shoreline. Regularly mowing your grass, watering your yard and pulling weeds are the first steps you can take. Fertilizing your yard with a lake-safe fertilizer will…

  • Home Maintenance

    3 Ways To Make Your Move Less Stressful

    So, you’ve sold your home, and now it’s time to move. This time can be a stressful period. To avoid as much anxiety as possible, use these three time-saving tips. Hire a Cleaning Service Moving day may be one of the busiest times possible. Multiple people are removing a variety of items from locations in your home. Sometimes walls or cabinets get dirty, or furniture that hasn’t moved in ages will get picked up and uncover large amounts of dust and debris below. The last thing you might want to do after getting the final box on the truck is to clean your previous home for the new owners. Use…

  • Home Maintenance

    Three Easy Ways to Improve Curb Appeal

    Whether you’re looking to sell your home or give it an exterior refresh, improving curb appeal can go a long way to adding value. Potential buyers will often make a snap judgment about your listing based on appearance. You only get one chance to make a strong first impression, and curb appeal is a big factor. Here are three relatively easy ways to raise the attractiveness of your house. Pressure Washing You can boost curb appeal through a simple clean. A dirty exterior leads buyers to believe that a home is not well maintained. Pressure or power washing can take off years of wear and tear by removing mold, grime…

  • Home Maintenance

    Ways to Make Your House Look Cleaner

    While have a spotless house all of the time would be ideal, it’s not always realistic. Most people simply do not have the time to clean on a daily basis and dust and clutter buildup quickly. If you are having guests come over, you may be looking for some quick fixes for your lived in home. Although you may not be able to hit all areas, start with these to give the house a cleaner feel. Hide the Clutter Most people accumulate clutter over the years. It seems to come from nowhere and take over your house, but you can’t just give it all away. The best solution is to…

  • Home Maintenance

    Reasons You May Need to Hire a Plumber

    There are various reasons why you should hire a plumber in Phoenix. You might be in the process of constructing a new house and have now hit the phase in which the plumbing must be installed. Or you might be dealing with a renovation project and you need to hire Plumbers To The Rescue to relocate plumbing system to a new location or even replacing plumbing system to fit with new fixtures. They can handle the layout and construction of different types of water systems and home builders often work with the plumbers to enable them to design the construction plans for new water systems. The plumbers also offer all…

  • Home Maintenance

    Garbage bin made from newspaper

    For a person who only shops once a month, finding enough plastic grocery bags to take care of this very necessary chore has always been something of an irritation. At the most I pick up ten bags a month through grocery shopping, and those were quickly used cleaning out the litter box once or twice a day. Also, I see that the writing is on the wall for plastic grocery bags. It probably won’t be long before they, like Chevy Suburbans, are a casualty of the “green” revolution. Somehow I managed, though. And then I came across a great idea from thriftyfun.com, and all my litter disposal problems were over…